Israel prepares for ground invasion as Biden urges humanitarian aid for Gaza

Benjamin Netanyahu has declared his intention to destroy Hamas as Israeli forces are massed on the border with the Gaza Strip. The Israeli Prime Minister said that his troops are ready to take action at any time to defeat the “bloodthirsty monsters” who have risen against Israel. He also said that Hamas thought Israel would be demolished, but it is Israel who will demolish Hamas.

Netanyahu’s statement came after a surprise attack by Hamas last Saturday, which claimed more than 1,300 Israeli lives. The attack involved hundreds of rockets and drones that targeted Israeli cities and infrastructure. Israel responded with airstrikes and artillery fire that killed more than 2,000 Palestinians, mostly civilians.

The international community has condemned the violence and called for an immediate ceasefire. The United Nations Security Council held an emergency meeting on Sunday, but failed to agree on a joint statement due to the opposition of the United States, which supports Israel’s right to self-defense.

Israel prepares for ground invasion as Biden urges humanitarian aid for Gaza

Biden pushes for aid for desperate Gazans

Meanwhile, President Joe Biden has announced that he will work with the United Nations and other partners to provide humanitarian aid for the people of Gaza, who are facing a “catastrophe” due to the Israeli bombardment. Biden said that he is deeply concerned about the situation in Gaza, where over two million civilians, half of them children, are living in dire conditions.

Biden said that he has spoken with Netanyahu and urged him to avoid civilian casualties and protect innocent lives. He also said that he has instructed his Secretary of State Antony Blinken to coordinate with the international community to deliver urgent assistance to Gaza.

Biden added that he supports a two-state solution that would ensure the security of Israel and the dignity of the Palestinians. He said that he is committed to advancing peace and stability in the region.

Hamas practised attack on Israel less than a month before launching it

According to a report by the London Evening Standard, Hamas had practised its attack on Israel less than a month before launching it. The report said that Hamas had conducted a large-scale military drill on September 23, 2023, which involved rockets, drones, naval forces and tunnels.

The drill was seen as a show of force by Hamas, which rules the Gaza Strip since 2007. The report said that Hamas had used Iranian-made weapons and technology in its drill, indicating its close ties with Tehran.

The report also said that Hamas had exploited a security gap in Israel’s defense system, which was not prepared for such a massive and coordinated attack. The report quoted an Israeli military official who said that Hamas had caught Israel off guard and inflicted a heavy blow.

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