Steel blue crayfish: A new species discovered in pet aquariums

Scientists have discovered a new species of freshwater crayfish that has been sold as a pet under the common name of “blue moon crayfish”. The new species, named Cherax woworae or the steel blue crayfish, is native to Indonesia and has a distinctive steel blue color with marbled sides and multi-colored claws.

A popular pet with a hidden identity

Freshwater crayfish are popular ornamental animals in the pet trade, especially those with bright colors. Several different species of blue crayfish are collected in Indonesia and exported to Europe, North America and Japan to fill aquariums worldwide. However, these species are often misidentified or mixed up by pet traders and hobbyists.

Steel blue crayfish: A new species discovered in pet aquariums
Steel blue crayfish: A new species discovered in pet aquariums

Researchers from Czechia acquired several specimens of blue crayfish from a pet trader who specialized in “ornamental aquatic animals”. They noticed that some of the specimens had different features from the others, such as body shape, color pattern and size. They decided to study them more closely and compare them with other known species of blue crayfish.

A new species with a unique appearance

After eight years of research, the scientists confirmed that they had discovered a new species of blue crayfish. They named it Cherax woworae, after Daisy Wowor, a crustacean scientist and curator at the Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense in Java, Indonesia. The new species was described in a paper published in the journal Zootaxa on August 10, 2023.

The steel blue crayfish is moderately-sized, reaching about 2 inches in length and just under an inch in width. It has two equal-sized claws that change color from turquoise blue to peachy orange to black. Its body has a steel blue color with marbled sides and dark blue legs. Its tail is orange-tipped and has a black stripe along the middle.

The new species was identified based on its coloring and body shape, as well as its DNA analysis. The researchers found that the steel blue crayfish had between 5.6% and 13.8% genetic divergence from other freshwater crayfish, indicating that it was a distinct lineage.

A native of Indonesia with a global distribution

The steel blue crayfish is native to the western coast of New Guinea, the Indonesian side of the island. The researchers suspect that it lives in streams and rivers with clear water and rocky or sandy bottoms. However, they also found that the species has been introduced to other countries through the pet trade.

The researchers reported that they had observed a population of steel blue crayfish in thermal waters in Hungary. They believe that these crayfish were released by irresponsible hobbyists who bought them from the pet market. They warned that such introductions could pose a threat to the native biodiversity and ecosystems.

The researchers recommended field surveys to determine the full distribution and conservation status of the new species. They also urged pet traders and hobbyists to be more careful and responsible when dealing with exotic animals.

Category: Science Meta Description: Scientists have discovered a new species of freshwater crayfish that has been sold as a pet under the common name of “blue moon crayfish”. The new species, named Cherax woworae or the steel blue crayfish, is native to Indonesia and has a distinctive steel blue color. Slug: steel-blue-crayfish-new-species-pet-aquariums

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