Apple has finally revealed the launch date and pre-order details for its highly anticipated mixed reality headset, the Apple Vision Pro. The device, which was first announced in June 2023, will be available for pre-order starting from January 19, 2024, and will ship in early February in the U.S. and later that year internationally. The Apple Vision Pro is priced at $3,499 and comes with a range of customization options, including Zeiss prescription lenses and different colors for the Light Seal.
Apple Vision Pro is a spatial computer that seamlessly blends digital content with the physical world, while allowing users to stay present and connected to others. It features a breakthrough design that integrates incredibly advanced technology into an elegant, compact form, resulting in an amazing experience every time you put it on.
The device has a dual-chip design that ensures every experience feels like it’s taking place in front of the user’s eyes in real time. It also has a ultra-high-resolution display system that packs 23 million pixels across two displays, and more pixels than a 4K TV for each eye. The device also has a three-dimensionally formed laminated glass that acts as an optical surface for the cameras and sensors that view the world.
Apple Vision Pro runs on visionOS, the world’s first spatial operating system that blends digital content with the physical world. Users can control the device with their eyes, hands, and voice, and interact with digital content in a way that feels like it is physically present in their space. Users can also use their favorite apps, watch movies and shows, capture and relive memories, and collaborate and connect with others in FaceTime.
What can you do with Apple Vision Pro?
Apple Vision Pro brings a new dimension to powerful, personal computing by changing the way users interact with their favorite apps, capture and relive memories, enjoy stunning TV shows and movies, and connect with others in FaceTime.
- An infinite canvas for apps at work and at home: visionOS features a three-dimensional interface that frees apps from the boundaries of a display so they can appear side by side at any scale. Users can be more productive, with infinite screen real estate, access to their favorite apps, and all-new ways to multitask. Users can also use Magic Keyboard and Magic Trackpad to set up the perfect workspace or bring the powerful capabilities of their Mac into Vision Pro wirelessly, creating an enormous, private, and portable 4K display with incredibly crisp text.
- The ultimate theater, wherever you are: Apple Vision Pro can transform any room into your own personal theater. Users can expand their movies, shows, and games up to the perfect size while feeling like they’re part of the action with Spatial Audio. Users can also enjoy stunning content wherever they are, whether that’s a long flight or the couch at home.
- Be in the moment, all over again: Apple Vision Pro is Apple’s first 3D camera. Users can capture magical spatial photos and spatial videos in 3D, then relive those cherished moments like never before with immersive Spatial Audio. Users can also view their existing library of photos and videos at remarkable scale, and feel like they’re standing right where they took them. Users can also take spatial videos with iPhone 15 Pro, then view them on Apple Vision Pro.
- Get on the same page, in the same space: Apple Vision Pro makes it easy to collaborate and connect wherever you are. FaceTime video tiles are life-size, and as new people join, the call simply expands in your room. Users can also use apps to collaborate with colleagues on the same documents simultaneously.
How to get Apple Vision Pro?
Apple Vision Pro will be available for pre-order starting from January 19, 2024, and will ship in early February in the U.S. and later that year internationally. The device is priced at $3,499 and comes with a range of customization options, including Zeiss prescription lenses and different colors for the Light Seal. Users can also choose from a variety of accessories, such as the Vision Pro Stand, the Vision Pro Case, and the Vision Pro Cleaning Kit.
Apple Vision Pro is a revolutionary device that introduces the era of spatial computing. It is the most ambitious product Apple has ever created, and it unlocks incredible experiences for users and exciting opportunities for developers. It is the future of computing, and it is here.