The Indian Army on Saturday foiled an infiltration attempt by terrorists from across the Line of Control (LoC) in Jammu and Kashmir’s Poonch district. One terrorist was killed in the encounter that took place in the Degwar sector in the early hours of the day. The army troops noticed some suspicious movement near the LoC and engaged the infiltrators in a gunfight. One terrorist was seen dropping while the second one managed to escape towards the Pakistani side.
Search operation underway
The army cordoned off the area and launched a search operation to track down the other terrorist. The body of the slain terrorist was yet to be retrieved from the encounter site. The army also recovered some arms and ammunition from the spot. The identity and affiliation of the killed terrorist were not immediately known. The army spokesperson said that the infiltration bid was foiled by an ambush party of the army in the Garhi battalion area around 2 a.m.
Frequent attempts by terrorists
This was the second infiltration attempt by terrorists from across the LoC in Poonch district this week. On August 4, the army had foiled another infiltration bid in the Krishna Ghati sector and killed two terrorists. The army had also recovered two AK-47 rifles, four magazines, and some grenades from them. The army has been on high alert along the LoC to prevent any infiltration attempts by terrorists who are trying to disturb peace and security in Jammu and Kashmir.
Situation in Jammu and Kashmir
The infiltration attempt in Poonch came amid a tense situation in Jammu and Kashmir, which is observing the second anniversary of the abrogation of Article 370 that granted special status to the erstwhile state. The security forces have intensified their operations against terrorists in the region and have eliminated several top commanders of various outfits in recent months. The security forces have also foiled several attempts by Pakistan to smuggle weapons and drugs into Jammu and Kashmir through drones and tunnels.