Meet Juju Bae, the Baltimore Witch Who Hunts Ghosts with Kristen Stewart

Baltimore has a new celebrity in town: Juju Bae, a 31-year-old spiritual healer and psychic who stars in Hulu’s new LGBTQ+ ghost-hunting show “Living for the Dead”. The show, which premieres on Wednesday, follows five queer paranormal investigators as they explore haunted landmarks across the country, with actor Kristen Stewart as the narrator and executive producer.

How Juju Bae Became a Ghost Hunter

Juju Bae, whose real name is Jasmine Bailey, was born in Beechfield and grew up in a family of spiritualists. She said she always had a connection with the dead and could communicate with her ancestors and other spirits. She also practiced witchcraft and learned how to use tarot cards, crystals, candles, and herbs to heal herself and others.

Meet Juju Bae, the Baltimore Witch Who Hunts Ghosts with Kristen Stewart
Meet Juju Bae, the Baltimore Witch Who Hunts Ghosts with Kristen Stewart

She started working as a professional psychic and spiritual healer in Baltimore, offering readings, seances, cleansings, and rituals to her clients. She said she wanted to help people find peace and clarity in their lives by connecting them with their loved ones who have passed away.

When she saw a casting call for a new ghost-hunting show on Hulu, she decided to apply, but not before asking her ancestors for guidance. She said she told them, “If this is for me, make it easy.” A few minutes later, she got a phone call from the casting team, who invited her to audition.

She said she was thrilled to be chosen as one of the five cast members of “Living for the Dead”, along with four other queer ghost hunters: Kai Anderson, a trans man and paranormal researcher from Los Angeles; Riley Reyes, a non-binary medium and drag performer from New York; Alex Nguyen, a gay man and tech expert from San Francisco; and Samara Morgan, a lesbian and historian from Chicago.

What to Expect from “Living for the Dead”

“Living for the Dead” is not your typical ghost-hunting show. It is not only about finding evidence of the paranormal, but also about exploring the history and culture of the places they visit, especially those that have significance for the LGBTQ+ community. The show also showcases the diversity and personality of the cast members, who share their personal stories and experiences as queer people.

The show is also narrated by Kristen Stewart, who is an outspoken advocate for LGBTQ+ rights and visibility. Stewart said in a statement that she was proud to be part of the show, which she described as “moving and meaningful” as well as “truly a gay old time”.

The show features eight episodes, each focusing on a different haunted location. Some of the places they visit include:

  • The Stonewall Inn in New York, where the cast members participate in a seance to contact the spirits of the LGBTQ+ activists who sparked the Stonewall riots in 1969.
  • The Winchester Mystery House in California, where they try to unravel the secrets of Sarah Winchester, the eccentric widow who built a labyrinthine mansion full of traps and puzzles to ward off the ghosts of those killed by her husband’s rifles.
  • The Lizzie Borden House in Massachusetts, where they investigate the infamous murders of Andrew and Abby Borden, allegedly committed by their daughter Lizzie, who was rumored to be a lesbian.
  • The LaLaurie Mansion in New Orleans, where they confront the horrors of Madame Delphine LaLaurie, a wealthy socialite who tortured and killed her slaves in her attic.
  • The Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum in West Virginia, where they explore the dark history of mental health treatment and abuse in America.
  • The Villisca Axe Murder House in Iowa, where they try to solve the mystery of who killed eight people with an axe in 1912.
  • The Stanley Hotel in Colorado, where they stay in the same room where Stephen King wrote “The Shining” and experience some spooky phenomena.
  • The Eastern State Penitentiary in Pennsylvania, where they encounter the ghosts of some of the most notorious criminals in American history.

How Juju Bae Feels About Being on TV

Juju Bae said she had a blast filming “Living for the Dead” with her fellow cast members and crew. She said she made lifelong friends and learned a lot from them. She also said she enjoyed traveling to different places and meeting new people.

She said she hopes that the show will inspire viewers to learn more about their own history and heritage, as well as to embrace their own spirituality and identity. She said she wants to show people that being queer and being spiritual are not mutually exclusive.

She also said she hopes that the show will break some stereotypes and stigma about witchcraft and ghost hunting. She said she wants to show people that witchcraft is not evil or scary, but rather a way of healing and empowering oneself and others. She also said she wants to show people that ghost hunting is not just for thrill seekers or skeptics, but also for those who seek to understand and respect the spirit world.

She said she is grateful for the opportunity to be on TV and to share her gifts and talents with the world. She said she is proud to represent Baltimore and the LGBTQ+ community. She said she hopes that the show will be a success and that there will be more seasons to come.

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