Biden Urges Congress to Approve $100 Billion Aid Package for Israel and Ukraine

In a rare primetime address from the Oval Office, President Joe Biden appealed to the American people and lawmakers to support his proposal for providing $100 billion in military assistance to Israel and Ukraine, two allies facing wars with Hamas and Russia, respectively. The president said the aid package was vital for U.S. national security and global stability.

Biden Links Israel and Ukraine Conflicts to U.S. Interests

Biden began his speech by linking the two conflicts, saying that the success of Israel and Ukraine was “vital for American security”. He said that both countries were “on the front lines of defending democracy and human rights” against “violent extremists and authoritarian regimes”.

Biden Urges Congress to Approve $100 Billion Aid Package for Israel and Ukraine
Biden Urges Congress to Approve $100 Billion Aid Package for Israel and Ukraine

He said that the U.S. had a “moral obligation” to stand with Israel, which he called “our most reliable partner in the Middle East”, and a “strategic imperative” to support Ukraine, which he called “our most important ally in Europe”. He said that both countries faced “existential threats” from their enemies, who sought to undermine their sovereignty and security.

He also said that the U.S. had a “global responsibility” to uphold the international order and prevent further escalation of violence and instability. He warned that if Hamas and Russia were allowed to continue their aggression, it would embolden other adversaries, such as Iran, North Korea, China, and terrorist groups, to challenge U.S. interests and allies around the world.

Biden Announces $100 Billion Aid Package for Israel and Ukraine

Biden then announced that he would send Congress on Friday an urgent budget request for national security funding that would include $60 billion in military assistance for Ukraine and $10 billion for Israel. He said that the money would help both countries defend themselves against attacks, deter further aggression, and enhance their capabilities.

He said that the aid for Ukraine would include weapons, equipment, training, intelligence, and humanitarian assistance. He said that the aid for Israel would include Iron Dome batteries, precision-guided munitions, cyber defense systems, and medical supplies.

He said that the aid package was consistent with his administration’s commitment to provide unwavering support for both countries, as he demonstrated during his recent visit to Tel Aviv, where he met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.

He also said that the aid package was in line with his administration’s strategy to end the wars in Israel and Ukraine through diplomacy and dialogue. He said that he had been working closely with regional and international partners, such as Egypt, Qatar, Germany, France, and NATO, to broker ceasefires and facilitate negotiations.

Biden Calls on Congress to Approve Aid Package Quickly

Biden then called on Congress to approve his aid package quickly and without partisan politics. He said that the package was not only a matter of foreign policy, but also of domestic policy, as it would protect American lives and values.

He said that the package would also benefit the U.S. economy, as it would create jobs, boost trade, and foster innovation. He said that the package would also enhance the U.S. leadership and credibility in the world, as it would demonstrate its resolve, generosity, and solidarity.

He urged both Democrats and Republicans to put aside their differences and unite behind his proposal, saying that it was not a time for division or delay. He said that he was willing to work with lawmakers from both parties to find common ground and address their concerns.

He also appealed to the American people to support his proposal, saying that it was in their best interest and consistent with their values. He said that he understood their fatigue and frustration with endless wars abroad, but assured them that his proposal was not about sending more troops or getting involved in another quagmire.

He said that his proposal was about providing vital assistance to two friends in need, who shared America’s ideals and aspirations. He said that his proposal was about defending democracy and human rights, which were under attack around the world. He said that his proposal was about advancing peace and stability, which were essential for America’s security and prosperity.

He concluded his speech by saying that he was confident that Congress would act swiftly and responsibly on his proposal, and that America would stand with Israel and Ukraine in their hour of need.

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