Covid booster shots are additional doses of Covid-19 vaccines that are given to people who have already been fully vaccinated. The purpose of booster shots is to enhance the immune response and provide longer-lasting protection against the coronavirus, especially against new variants that may be more contagious or resistant to existing vaccines.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), booster shots are recommended for people who have received either the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna mRNA vaccines, starting at least six months after their second dose. Booster shots are also recommended for people who have received the Johnson & Johnson (J&J) vaccine, starting at least two months after their single dose.

The CDC says that booster shots are particularly important for people who are 65 years and older, residents in long-term care settings, and people who have underlying medical conditions or work in high-risk settings. However, anyone who is eligible can choose to get a booster shot if they want to increase their protection against Covid-19.
Humboldt County’s Vaccination Status and Booster Availability
As of September 11, 2023, Humboldt County has reported a total of 15,837 confirmed cases of Covid-19 and 212 deaths since the beginning of the pandemic. The county has a population of about 135,000 people, of whom 66.8% have received at least one dose of Covid-19 vaccine and 60.4% are fully vaccinated.
Humboldt County Public Health Officer Dr. Ian Hoffman said that booster shots are now available at most local pharmacies and clinics that offer Covid-19 vaccines. He encouraged eligible residents to get their booster shots as soon as possible, especially as the county is experiencing a surge in cases due to the highly transmissible Delta variant.
Dr. Hoffman also urged unvaccinated residents to get their first shots as soon as possible, saying that vaccination is the best way to prevent severe illness, hospitalization, and death from Covid-19. He said that the vaccines are safe, effective, and free for everyone.
Humboldt County Residents Share Their Views on Booster Shots
Lost Coast Outpost, a local news outlet, conducted an online poll on September 11, 2023, asking its readers whether they plan to get a Covid booster shot or not. The poll received 1,234 responses, of which 52% said yes, 38% said no, and 10% said they were undecided.
The poll also allowed readers to leave comments explaining their choices. Here are some of the views expressed by Humboldt County residents on booster shots:
- “Yes, I will get a booster shot as soon as I can. I trust the science and I want to protect myself and my loved ones from this virus. I don’t want to end up in the hospital or worse.”
- “No, I will not get a booster shot. I already got two doses of Pfizer and I don’t think I need another one. I think this is just a way for Big Pharma to make more money and for the government to control us.”
- “I am undecided about getting a booster shot. I got the J&J vaccine in April and I don’t know if it’s still effective or not. I also don’t know if there are any side effects or risks from getting another dose. I need more information before I make up my mind.”
- “Yes, I will get a booster shot if my doctor recommends it. I have diabetes and asthma and I don’t want to take any chances with Covid-19. I think it’s better to be safe than sorry.”
- “No, I will not get a booster shot. I never got vaccinated in the first place and I don’t plan to. I believe in natural immunity and holistic medicine. I think the vaccines are dangerous and unnecessary.”