Does Instagram Delete Inactive Accounts?

Overwhelmed by the uncertainty surrounding Instagram’s policy on inactive accounts? You may be wondering if your account could be at risk of being deleted due to inactivity. In this blog post, we will probe into the criteria used by Instagram to determine inactive accounts, when deletion occurs, and how you can prevent your account from being flagged as inactive. Stay informed and take proactive measures to safeguard your account from potential deletion.

Key Takeaways:

  • Instagram removes Inactive Accounts: Inactive accounts are removed from Instagram based on specific criteria, such as not posting for a certain period of time.
  • Criteria for Inactivity: Factors that contribute to account inactivity include not posting, liking, commenting, or logging in for a certain duration.
  • Preventing Inactivity: To prevent your account from being flagged as inactive, engage with the platform regularly by posting, liking, and commenting.
  • Instagram Deletion Policy: Instagram states that accounts not used continuously for 90 days are eligible for deletion, but accounts are rarely deleted that quickly.
  • Previous Terms of Use: The previous 2013 Terms of Service page mentioned inactive accounts being forced forfeiture after 30 days, but this clause is no longer in effect.
does instagram delete inactive accounts
does instagram delete inactive accounts

Does Instagram Remove Inactive Accounts?

Which Accounts are Considered Inactive by Instagram?

For Instagram, any account that has not posted anything for a given time period may be considered inactive. Instagram’s algorithms analyze content, activity, and user data to determine account activity levels. Instagram stores all your data, but if your account remains inactive for 90 days, it may be at risk of deletion. Make sure to log in occasionally to prevent this issue from occurring. Inactivity can result in your account being flagged and potentially removed from the platform.

When does Instagram Delete Inactive Accounts?

Inactive accounts on Instagram are subject to deletion if they have not been used continuously for a period of 90 days. However, Instagram rarely deletes accounts that soon. To avoid having your account deleted, it is recommended to log in and engage with the platform periodically. Some users believe that accounts may be deleted after one to two years of complete inactivity, but there is no official statement to support this claim.

Possible Reasons for Inactivity

Instagram may flag your account as inactive if you have not logged in for a long time, have not posted any stories, posts, likes, or comments, have not gained new followers, or have had a significant gap between account creation and the last post. However, logging in and engaging in any way on the platform can prevent your account from being marked as inactive.

Is it True that Accounts Inactive for 30 days will be removed from Instagram?

If you have come across information suggesting that Instagram deletes accounts if they have been inactive for 30 days, it’s important to know the facts. In truth, this claim is not accurate. Despite what you may have read online, Instagram’s current policies do not dictate that accounts will be deleted after just 30 days of inactivity.

The misconception may stem from outdated information found on Instagram’s Terms of Use page, which mentioned the possibility of username forfeiture for inactive accounts. However, this clause was only applicable until January 19, 2013, and is no longer in effect. The current Terms of Service do not specify a 30-day timeframe for account deletion due to inactivity.

Instagram’s updated policies regarding inactive accounts are actually more lenient than the previously mentioned 30-day mark. While accounts may be subject to deletion if inactive for a certain period, Instagram typically looks for longer durations of inactivity, such as 90 days, before taking any action.

How to Prevent Being Inactive and Subsequent Deletion?

Any account can be considered inactive if it has not been used for a certain amount of time, which may lead to deletion from Instagram’s system. To prevent your account from being flagged as inactive and subsequently deleted, it is important to take certain actions to maintain its activity level.

Here are some steps you can take to prevent inactivity and potential deletion of your account:

1. Connect your Instagram account to Facebook and enable the sharing option. By doing so, you can automatically post your Instagram content on Facebook, increasing your account activity.

2. Promote your Instagram account on other social media platforms by sharing a link in your stories. Inviting more people to follow you can enhance your account’s activity levels and prevent it from being labeled as inactive.

3. Avoid setting your account to private, as having public visibility increases the chances of receiving likes and engagement on your posts, keeping your account active.

Do not forget, Instagram’s algorithm does not flag accounts as inactive if there is even minimal activity on them, such as liking a post. By following these proactive steps, you can ensure the continued activity of your account and reduce the risk of it being deleted due to inactivity.

To wrap up

On the whole, it is important to understand that Instagram does indeed remove inactive accounts based on a set of criteria. Your account may be considered inactive if you have not posted anything for a certain period of time or if there has been no activity on your account. While Instagram typically gives a grace period of 90 days before considering an account for deletion, it is still crucial to log in and engage with the platform to prevent your account from being removed.

By staying active on Instagram, such as posting regularly, liking and commenting on posts, and engaging with other users, you can prevent your account from being flagged as inactive and potentially deleted. It is also recommended to connect your Instagram account to other social media platforms and invite followers to keep your account active. Note, even the smallest amount of activity can help prevent your account from being removed, so make sure to stay engaged to maintain your presence on the platform.


Q: Does Instagram delete inactive accounts?

A: Yes, inactive accounts are removed from Instagram’s system based on specific criteria.

Q: What is considered an inactive account by Instagram?

A: An account that has not posted anything for a period of time may be considered inactive by Instagram.

Q: When does Instagram delete inactive accounts?

A: Instagram states that accounts are subject to deletion if they are not used continuously for a period of 90 days.

Q: Is it true that accounts inactive for 30 days will be removed from Instagram?

A: No, this is not the case. Instagram’s updated policies are more permissive regarding inactive accounts.

Q: How can I prevent my Instagram account from being inactive and subsequently deleted?

A: To prevent inactivity, regularly post on Instagram, connect your account to Facebook, invite people to follow you, and avoid making your account private. Taking actions like liking posts can also prevent inactivity.

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