Apple unveiled its latest flagship smartphones, the iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max, at its annual fall event on Tuesday. The new devices boast a titanium frame, a 5x optical zoom camera, and a spatial video feature that can be viewed on the Apple Vision Pro headset. Here are some of the highlights of the new iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max.
Titanium Frame: Lighter and Stronger
The iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max are made with titanium, instead of the stainless steel found on last year’s iPhone 14 Pro and 14 Pro Max. Titanium is a strong and lightweight metal that is often used in aerospace and medical applications. According to Apple, the new iPhones are 20% lighter and 30% stronger than their predecessors. The titanium frame also gives the devices a sleek and premium look, with four metallic hues to choose from: black, white, blue, and natural.
5x Optical Zoom Camera: Closer and Clearer
The iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max have a 48-megapixel main camera with a larger sensor that captures more light and detail. The main camera also has a lidar scanner that enhances low-light and night photography. The iPhone 15 Pro has a 3x optical zoom, while the iPhone 15 Pro Max has a 5x optical zoom, which is the longest in any iPhone ever. The optical zoom allows users to get closer to their subjects without losing quality or clarity. The phones also have a 12-megapixel ultra-wide camera inherited from last year’s iPhone 14 Pro.
Spatial Video Capture: Immersive and Interactive
The iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max have a forward-looking feature in spatial video capture, which uses multiple cameras to record videos with depth that can be watched on an Apple Vision Pro AR/VR headset. The spatial video feature will be available later this year, and will allow users to experience their videos in a more immersive and interactive way. For example, users can move their head or use hand gestures to change the perspective or interact with the elements in the video. The spatial video feature also supports Dolby Atmos sound, which creates a surround sound effect.
Other Features: Faster and Smarter
The iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max have other features that make them faster and smarter than ever. They have the A17 Pro chip, which is a game-changing processor that delivers faster performance and better graphics. They have ditched the Lightning port for USB-C, which allows for faster data transfer and charging. They have an Action button, which can be customized to perform different functions with a single press. They have a display of true intelligence, which adapts to the ambient light and adjusts the brightness and color temperature accordingly. They have an amazing battery life, which lasts up to 18 hours for the iPhone 15 Pro and up to 20 hours for the iPhone 15 Pro Max.
The iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max are available for pre-order starting this Friday, and will go on sale in Apple Stores and online next Friday, Sept. 22. The iPhone 15 Pro starts at $999 (£999, AU$1,849), while the iPhone 15 Pro Max starts at $1,199 (£1,199, AU$2,199).