Surprising Items You Can Compost for a Healthier Garden

Composting is one of the most effective and beneficial ways to improve the health of a garden. It not only helps to reduce the amount of waste that is sent to landfills, but it also provides a natural and nutrient-rich soil amendment that can give your garden a major boost. Composting is also a great way to recycle organic materials that would otherwise end up in a landfill, such as kitchen scraps, yard trimmings, and even some surprising items that you may not expect. In this article, we will explore the surprising items that can be composted for a healthier garden and the benefits that come with doing so.


Types of Compostable Items

Food Scraps

Food scraps are one of the most common types of compostable items. They include fruits and vegetables, as well as kitchen scraps such as eggshells, coffee grounds and tea bags. These items are high in nutrients and can help to create a nutrient-rich compost. Benefits of composting food scraps include reducing the amount of waste that goes to landfills, as well as providing nutrients to the soil. Tips for composting food scraps include starting with small amounts and adding more as you become comfortable with the process. It is also important to mix the scraps with other materials to provide the necessary balance of carbon and nitrogen for the compost.

Yard Waste

Yard waste is another type of compostable item. This includes grass clippings, leaves, twigs, straw, and other organic matter from the yard. These items are high in carbon and help to create a balanced compost. Benefits of composting yard waste include reducing the amount of waste that goes to landfills and providing nutrients to the soil. Tips for composting yard waste include starting with small amounts and adding more as you become comfortable with the process. It is also important to mix the yard waste with other materials to provide the necessary balance of carbon and nitrogen for the compost.

Paper Products

Paper products are also a type of compostable item. This includes newspaper, paper towels, cardboard, and other paper-based items. These items are high in carbon and can help to create a balanced compost. Benefits of composting paper products include reducing the amount of waste that goes to landfills and providing nutrients to the soil. Tips for composting paper products include starting with small amounts and adding more as you become comfortable with the process. It is also important to mix the paper products with other materials to provide the necessary balance of carbon and nitrogen for the compost.

Unused Cleaners

Unused cleaners are another type of compostable item. This includes biodegradable cleaners, such as dish soap and laundry detergent, as well as other biodegradable products. These items are high in nitrogen and can help to create a balanced compost. Benefits of composting unused cleaners include reducing the amount of waste that goes to landfills and providing nutrients to the soil. Tips for composting unused cleaners include starting with small amounts and adding more as you become comfortable with the process. It is also important to mix the cleaners with other materials to provide the necessary balance of carbon and nitrogen for the compost.

Coffee Grounds

Coffee grounds are another type of compostable item. These items are high in nitrogen and can help to create a balanced compost. Benefits of composting coffee grounds include reducing the amount of waste that goes to landfills and providing nutrients to the soil. Tips for composting coffee grounds include starting with small amounts and adding more as you become comfortable with the process. It is also important to mix the coffee grounds with other materials to provide the necessary balance of carbon and nitrogen for the compost.


Eggshells are another type of compostable item. These items are high in calcium and can help to create a balanced compost. Benefits of composting eggshells include reducing the amount of waste that goes to landfills and providing nutrients to the soil. Tips for composting eggshells include starting with small amounts and adding more as you become comfortable with the process. It is also important to mix the eggshells with other materials to provide the necessary balance of carbon and nitrogen for the compost.


Cardboard is another type of compostable item. These items are high in carbon and can help to create a balanced compost. Benefits of composting cardboard include reducing the amount of waste that goes to landfills and providing nutrients to the soil. Tips for composting cardboard include starting with small amounts and adding more as you become comfortable with the process. It is also important to mix the cardboard with other materials to provide the necessary balance of carbon and nitrogen for the compost.

Preparing Items for Composting

Chopping Food Scraps

One of the most important steps in preparing items for composting is to chop food scraps into small pieces. This helps the composting process by allowing for the bacteria and other organisms that break down food waste to access the material more easily. Chopping food scraps also helps reduce the amount of space taken up in the compost bin. It is recommended to chop food scraps into pieces no larger than one inch in diameter.

Shredding Paper Products

Shredding paper products is another important way to prepare items for composting. This helps break down the paper into smaller pieces, making it easier for the organisms to access and break down the material. It is recommended to shred paper products into pieces no larger than one quarter of an inch in diameter. Examples of paper products that can be shredded and included in the compost include newspaper, cardboard, and paper towels.

Drying Yard Waste

Drying yard waste is also an important step in preparing items for composting. It is recommended to dry out the yard waste before adding it to the compost bin. This helps to reduce the amount of moisture in the compost, which can help the composting process. Examples of yard waste that can be dried and included in the compost include leaves, grass clippings, and wood chips.

Benefits of Preparing Items for Composting

  • Helps to reduce the amount of space taken up in the compost bin
  • Allows for the bacteria and other organisms that break down food waste to access the material more easily
  • Helps to break down the paper into smaller pieces, making it easier for the organisms to access and break down the material
  • Reduces the amount of moisture in the compost, which can help the composting process

Tips for Preparing Items for Composting

  • Chop food scraps into pieces no larger than one inch in diameter
  • Shred paper products into pieces no larger than one quarter of an inch in diameter
  • Dry out the yard waste before adding it to the compost bin

How to Compost

Building a Compost Pile

The first step to creating a compost pile is to build it. The most important factor in building a successful compost pile is the size. Generally, a compost pile should be at least three feet by three feet, as this is the optimal size for allowing air to reach all parts of the pile. The pile should also be placed on a flat, level surface and should be in a spot that receives ample sunlight.

Adding Compostable Materials

Once the compost pile is built, it is time to start adding compostable materials. Compostable materials can include anything from kitchen scraps such as fruit and vegetable peels, eggshells, and coffee grounds to yard waste such as grass clippings, leaves, and twigs. It is important to note that not all materials are compostable. Materials such as meat, dairy products, and pet waste should not be added to the compost pile.

Aerating the Pile

Aerating the compost pile is an important step in the composting process. Aerating the pile allows oxygen to reach all parts of the pile, thereby speeding up the decomposition process. This can be done by using a pitchfork or shovel to turn and mix the pile.

Watering the Pile

In order for the composting process to be successful, the compost pile must be kept at an optimal moisture level. The compost pile should be damp, not wet, and should feel similar to a wrung-out sponge. If the pile is too dry, it can be watered with a garden hose.

Turning the Pile

Turning the pile is an important part of maintaining a healthy compost pile. Turning the pile allows oxygen to reach all parts of the pile, which speeds up the decomposition process. The pile should be turned every two to four weeks, depending on the size of the pile.

Benefits of Composting

  • Reduces the amount of waste sent to landfills
  • Creates a nutrient-dense soil amendment
  • Reduces the need for chemical fertilizers
  • Can be used in home gardens and landscaping

Tips for Composting

  • Start with small amounts of compostable materials
  • Layer kitchen scraps with yard waste
  • Keep the pile damp, not wet
  • Turn the pile every two to four weeks
  • Cover the pile with a tarp or piece of burlap to retain moisture
  • Monitor the pile for signs of pests or disease

How to Use Compost to Improve the Health of Your Garden

Adding Compost to Soil

Adding compost to soil is a great way to improve your garden’s health. Compost adds organic matter to the soil, helping to improve its structure, nutrient content and water-holding capacity. To add compost to your soil, spread a thin layer over the soil surface and use a garden fork to gently incorporate it into the soil.

Using Compost as a Fertilizer

Compost can be used as a fertilizer to nourish your plants. Compost contains a variety of minerals and nutrients that plants need to thrive. To use compost as a fertilizer, mix it into the soil around your plants. You can also apply a thin layer of compost as a mulch around your plants.

Using Compost for Mulch

Compost can be used as a mulch to protect your plants from extreme temperatures and conserve soil moisture. To use compost as a mulch, spread a thin layer over the soil surface and around your plants. Be sure to leave a few inches between the compost and the stems of your plants.

Benefits of Using Compost

  • Improves soil structure and fertility
  • Increases water retention in the soil
  • Helps to control soil erosion
  • Provides essential nutrients for plants
  • Increases microbial activity in the soil
  • Acts as a natural weed suppressant

Tips for Using Compost

  • Make sure to mix the compost thoroughly into the soil.
  • Use a layer of compost that is no more than two inches thick.
  • Don’t use too much compost, as it can be damaging to plants.
  • Choose a compost that is well-aged and free of weeds and seeds.
  • Be sure to keep compost moist to help break it down.


Composting is an effective way to improve the health of your garden, as it provides essential nutrients to the soil and helps to create a healthier environment for your plants to grow. It is also an excellent way to reduce your carbon footprint, as composting can help to reduce the amount of waste that is sent to landfills. Composting can be a great way to make a difference in the environment and to care for your garden at the same time. By adding surprising items to your compost pile, you can make sure your garden remains healthy and full of life for years to come.

FAQs – Compost for a Healthier Garden

1: What are some surprising items that can be composted for a healthier garden?

Some surprising items that can be composted for a healthier garden include eggshells, banana peels, coffee grounds, tea bags, shredded paper, and grass clippings.

2: How do compostable items help create a healthier garden?

Compostable items help create a healthier garden by adding valuable nutrients to the soil, improving soil structure, and encouraging earthworm activity.

3: Is it safe to compost treated wood?

No, it is not safe to compost treated wood as the chemicals used in the treatment process may be harmful to your garden.

4: Can I compost cooked food?

Yes, you can compost cooked food, but it is important to note that it will attract pests, such as rats and mice, so it is best to compost it away from your garden.

5: Is it safe to compost pet waste?

No, it is not safe to compost pet waste as it may contain parasites and bacteria that can be dangerous to your health.

6: What is the best way to compost items?

The best way to compost items is to ensure that the compost pile is kept moist and turned regularly to ensure that the decomposition process is efficient.

7: Is it possible to compost clothes?

Yes, it is possible to compost clothes, but it is important to note that the composting process might be slow, so it is best to use natural fibers such as cotton and wool.

8: Can I compost dead leaves?

Yes, you can compost dead leaves as they are an excellent source of carbon for the compost pile.

9: What is the best way to store compostable items?

The best way to store compostable items is to keep them in a container with a lid in a cool, dry place.

10: Do I need to add any other materials to the compost pile?

Yes, you should add some green materials, such as grass clippings and kitchen scraps, to the compost pile to provide a balance of nitrogen and carbon.

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