Jimmy Kimmel, one of the most popular late-night hosts in the US, has announced that he has contracted Covid and has to cancel his upcoming live show with fellow comedians Jimmy Fallon and Stephen Colbert. The show, titled “Strike Force Three”, was scheduled to take place on Saturday at the Dolby Live at Park MGM in Las Vegas, as part of their podcast series “Strike Force Five”.
Kimmel broke the news on X, formerly Twitter, on Wednesday, saying: “Well, Las Vegas, I got Covid, and sadly, we need to cancel this weekend’s Strike Force Three show. I could never live with myself if I got my hometown friends sick.” He added, “Thanks to all who purchased tickets, everyone will get full refunds and we will try to reschedule if possible.”
Podcast for a cause
“Strike Force Five” is a limited podcast that features Kimmel, Fallon, Colbert, Seth Meyers and John Oliver, who are all prominent late-night hosts in the US. The podcast premiered last month, while their respective shows have been airing reruns since the writers’ strike began in May. The podcast aims to raise funds for the out-of-work staff from the hosts’ programs – “Jimmy Kimmel Live”, “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon”, “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert”, “Late Night with Seth Meyers” and “Last Week Tonight with John Oliver”.
The podcast has released six episodes since its debut, and features “once-private chats” held between the late-night hosts, discussions about the ongoing writers’ and actors’ strikes and the five hosts answering fan questions. The “Strike Force Three” live show on Saturday would have served as the podcast’s first live show since it began.
Fans express support and disappointment
Fans of the late-night hosts expressed their support and disappointment on social media after hearing about Kimmel’s Covid diagnosis and the show’s cancellation. Many wished him a speedy recovery and thanked him for being responsible and cautious. Others lamented that they had been looking forward to seeing the three comedians perform live together.
One fan wrote on X: “I’m so sorry to hear that Jimmy Kimmel. I hope you get well soon. You are one of my favorite late-night hosts and I love your podcast with the other guys. Please take care of yourself and stay safe.” Another fan commented: “Nooooo! I was so excited to see Strike Force Three live in Vegas. I had bought tickets for me and my friends. This is such a bummer. But I understand that health comes first. Get well soon Jimmy Kimmel.”