How a Lexington woman turned her loofah hobby into a thriving business

Lisa Huntley, also known as the Lexington Loofah Lady, has been growing loofahs in her backyard for over a decade. She started with a few seeds from a friend and soon discovered the many benefits and uses of the plant. Loofahs are not sponges, but gourds that belong to the cucumber family. They can be harvested when they are green and edible, or when they are dry and fibrous.

Huntley says that growing loofahs is easy and rewarding. She plants them in late spring and harvests them in late fall. She uses organic methods and composts her food scraps to enrich the soil. She also shares her tips and tricks with other gardeners on her Facebook page, Lexington Loofah Lady.

How a Lexington woman turned her loofah hobby into a thriving business
How a Lexington woman turned her loofah hobby into a thriving business

Making loofah products for personal care and home decor

Huntley does not waste any part of the loofah plant. She uses the seeds to make more plants, the flowers to make tea, and the gourds to make various products. She peels, washes, bleaches, and dries the loofahs before cutting them into different shapes and sizes. She then adds soap, essential oils, herbs, and other ingredients to make loofah soaps, scrubs, bath bombs, and more.

Huntley also uses the loofahs to make home decor items such as wreaths, garlands, ornaments, and baskets. She says that loofahs are versatile and durable, and can last for years if properly cared for. She sells her products online through her website, Lexington Loofah Lady, and at local markets and events.

Sharing her passion and knowledge with the community

Huntley is not only a loofah grower and maker, but also a loofah educator and advocate. She loves to share her passion and knowledge with the community through workshops, demonstrations, and presentations. She teaches people how to grow their own loofahs, how to make their own loofah products, and how to use loofahs for personal care and home cleaning.

Huntley says that loofahs are eco-friendly alternatives to synthetic sponges and plastic scrubbers. They are biodegradable, compostable, and antibacterial. They can also exfoliate the skin, improve blood circulation, and reduce stress. Huntley hopes that more people will discover the wonders of loofahs and join her in her mission to spread the loofah love.

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