The visual effects (VFX) workers at Marvel Studios have taken a historic step to unionize and demand better working conditions and respect for their work. On Monday, August 7, 2023, more than 50 VFX workers at Marvel filed for a union election with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) to be represented by the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE), the largest union of entertainment workers in the US and Canada.
Why Unionize?
The VFX workers at Marvel have been facing a number of challenges and issues in their industry, such as:
- Low pay and lack of benefits: According to Vulture, Marvel pays its VFX workers about 20% less than other studios, and does not provide them with health care, pension, or overtime pay. Many VFX workers are hired as independent contractors or freelancers, which means they have no job security or legal protection.
- Unrealistic deadlines and excessive workload: As Marvel produces more and more VFX-heavy content for its films and streaming shows, the demand for VFX work has increased exponentially. However, the supply of VFX workers has not kept up, leading to a shortage of talent and resources. This results in long hours, crunch time, and constant pressure to deliver high-quality work in a short time frame.
- Lack of respect and recognition: Despite being essential for the success of Marvel’s blockbuster franchises, the VFX workers often feel undervalued and ignored by the studio executives and the industry at large. They do not receive proper credit for their work, nor do they have a say in the creative decisions or changes that affect their work. They also face bullying and harassment from some of the studio bosses, who treat them as disposable and replaceable.
These conditions have taken a toll on the physical and mental health of the VFX workers, as well as their personal and professional lives. Some have even quit the industry altogether, while others have been forced to relocate to other countries where the labor laws are more favorable.
How Will Unionizing Help?
By joining IATSE, the VFX workers at Marvel hope to achieve the following goals:
- Fair pay and benefits: The union will negotiate with Marvel on behalf of the VFX workers to secure a fair wage scale, overtime pay, health care, pension, and other benefits that are standard for other entertainment workers. The union will also ensure that the VFX workers are classified as employees rather than independent contractors or freelancers, which will give them more legal rights and protections.
- Reasonable deadlines and workload: The union will work with Marvel to establish realistic schedules and budgets for each project, based on the scope and complexity of the VFX work required. The union will also monitor the working conditions and hours of the VFX workers, and enforce penalties for violations of labor laws or contracts.
- Respect and recognition: The union will advocate for the VFX workers to be treated with dignity and respect by Marvel and the industry. The union will also push for more visibility and credit for the VFX work, as well as more creative input and collaboration with other departments.
What Is the Impact of Unionizing?
The unionization of Marvel’s VFX workers could have a significant impact on the industry as a whole, as it could inspire other VFX workers across different studios and platforms to follow suit. This could lead to a more unified and powerful voice for the VFX community, as well as improved standards and practices for the VFX industry.
The unionization could also affect the quality and quantity of Marvel’s content, as it could force the studio to rethink its production strategies and priorities. The studio may have to adjust its release dates, budgets, or creative visions to accommodate the needs and demands of the VFX workers. Alternatively, the studio may have to outsource more of its VFX work to other countries or companies that are not unionized.
The unionization could also spark a dialogue between Marvel and its fans, who may have different opinions or expectations about how the studio should treat its VFX workers. Some fans may support the unionization and appreciate the efforts of the VFX workers to create stunning visuals for their favorite characters and stories. Others may oppose the unionization and worry about how it could affect the availability or quality of Marvel’s content.