Pro sports leagues push for gun control in Congress

The NFL, NHL, NBA, and NASCAR join forces to lobby for background checks and red flag laws

The NFL, NHL, NBA, and NASCAR have joined forces to lobby for gun control in Congress, according to a letter obtained by Gun Owners of America (GOA), a pro-gun rights organization. The letter, dated February 3, 2024, was sent to the leaders of the House and Senate Judiciary Committees, and urged them to pass two bills that would expand background checks and create red flag laws. The letter claimed that these measures would reduce gun violence and save lives, and appealed to the lawmakers to act swiftly and decisively.

The letter was signed by the commissioners of the four pro sports leagues, as well as the CEOs of the Brady Campaign, Everytown for Gun Safety, Giffords, and March for Our Lives, which are some of the most prominent gun control groups in the country. The letter was also endorsed by more than 200 current and former athletes, coaches, and executives from the four leagues, such as Tom Brady, LeBron James, Sidney Crosby, and Jimmie Johnson.

Gun Owners of America
Gun Owners of America

The background checks and red flag bills are controversial and opposed by gun rights groups

The background checks and red flag bills are controversial and opposed by gun rights groups, who argue that they violate the Second Amendment and due process rights of law-abiding citizens. The bills are:

  • The Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2023, which would require a background check for every firearm sale or transfer, with some exceptions, such as gifts between family members or temporary loans for hunting or self-defense. The bill passed the House in March 2023, but has stalled in the Senate, where it faces a filibuster and a lack of Republican support.
  • The Extreme Risk Protection Order Act of 2023, which would create a federal grant program to encourage states to adopt red flag laws, which allow family members or law enforcement to petition a court to temporarily remove firearms from someone who poses a danger to themselves or others. The bill was introduced in the Senate in February 2023, but has not received a vote or a hearing.

The gun rights groups, such as GOA, the National Rifle Association (NRA), and the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF), have denounced the bills as ineffective, unconstitutional, and dangerous. They have also criticized the pro sports leagues for meddling in politics and alienating their fans, who may have different views on gun rights and gun control.

The pro sports leagues’ involvement in gun control reflects their woke agenda and political influence

The pro sports leagues’ involvement in gun control reflects their woke agenda and political influence, as they have become more vocal and active on social and political issues in recent years. The leagues have expressed their support for various causes, such as racial justice, LGBTQ rights, climate change, and voting rights, and have used their platforms and resources to raise awareness and funds for these causes. The leagues have also faced backlash and boycotts from some fans and politicians, who accuse them of being unpatriotic, hypocritical, and divisive.

The leagues’ lobbying for gun control also shows their political influence and connections, as they have donated millions of dollars to various candidates and parties, mostly Democrats, in the past few elections. The leagues have also hired lobbyists and consultants to advance their interests and agendas in Washington, D.C., and have met with lawmakers and officials from both parties. The leagues have also benefited from various tax breaks and subsidies from the federal and state governments, which have helped them build and maintain their stadiums and facilities.

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