Why Can’t I Run Fast? Understanding the Science behind Running Speed

Running is one of the most popular and accessible forms of exercise. Whether you are a professional athlete, a fitness enthusiast or simply looking to get fit, running is a great way to stay active and healthy. However, one of the most common frustrations among runners is not being able to run as fast as they would like to.

If you have ever wondered why you can’t run as fast as you want to, this article is for you. In this article, we will explore the science behind running speed, and provide you with some insights that will help you improve your running performance.

Why Can't I Run Fast? Understanding the Science behind Running Speed
Why Can’t I Run Fast? Understanding the Science behind Running Speed

The Importance of Proper Form

Running form is essential for efficiency and reducing energy wasted while running, which can contribute to speed. When we think of running, we typically think of putting one foot in front of the other and moving as fast as we can. But proper form involves much more than that. Here are some tips to improve your running form:

  • Engage your core by keeping your hips level and your abs tight.
  • Keep your gaze forward instead of looking down at your feet.
  • Lean slightly forward from your ankles, not your waist.
  • Strike the ground with the middle of your foot, not your heel.
  • Swing your arms close to your body in a fluid motion.

The Physiology of Running Speed

To understand why some people can run faster than others, it is important to first understand the physiology of running speed. Running is a complex activity that involves multiple systems in the body, including the cardiovascular, respiratory, muscular and nervous systems.

When we run, our body requires a combination of strength, speed, endurance and efficiency. Our muscles need to contract rapidly and forcefully, and our cardiovascular system needs to provide enough oxygen and nutrients to fuel these contractions. In addition, our nervous system needs to coordinate all of these processes in order to control our movement and balance.

Several factors can impact our running performance, including our genetics, our training, our nutrition, our hydration, and our mental state. While we cannot change our genetics, we can control several other factors that can improve our running performance. By understanding the physiology of running speed, we can develop a training plan that targets the specific areas of our body that need improvement.

The Importance of Strength Training

One of the most important factors that influence running speed is muscular strength. Our leg muscles need to be strong enough to generate the force necessary for rapid and forceful contractions.

Weak leg muscles can result in slow and inefficient movements, which can significantly impact our running performance. While running is a great way to strengthen our leg muscles, it is not enough to develop the maximum strength and power required for running fast.

To improve our running speed, we need to incorporate strength training exercises into our workout routine. A combination of resistance training, plyometric training, and explosive exercises can help to develop the explosive power and strength required for running fast. In addition, strength training can reduce the risk of injuries, improve our posture, and enhance our overall running performance.

The Role of Nutrition and Hydration

Our nutrition and hydration also play a crucial role in our running performance. Proper nutrition and hydration can help to fuel our muscles, reduce fatigue, and enhance our endurance. Before a run, it is important to fuel our body with the right nutrients, such as carbohydrates, protein, and fats. During a run, we need to stay hydrated to prevent dehydration, which can cause fatigue, cramping, and other performance issues.

In addition, we need to pay attention to our post-run nutrition, as it can help to repair our muscles, reduce inflammation, and improve our recovery time. A combination of whole foods, healthy fats, lean protein, and complex carbohydrates can provide our body with the nutrients it needs to perform at its best.

Breathing Techniques and Coordination

Breathing techniques and coordination also play a significant role in our running performance. Proper breathing techniques can help to improve our oxygen intake, reduce our heart rate, and enhance our endurance. In addition, proper coordination can help to improve our posture, reduce the risk of injuries, and improve our overall running performance.

To improve our breathing techniques and coordination, we need to incorporate some specific exercises into our training routine. Diaphragmatic breathing, coordination drills, and balance exercises can help to improve our overall running performance.

Mental Strategies and Motivation

Finally, mental strategies and motivation can have a significant impact on our running performance. Running requires mental toughness and discipline, as well as physical strength and endurance. Our mental state can impact our perception of effort, motivation, and overall performance.

To improve our mental state, we need to practice some specific mental strategies, such as visualization, positive self-talk, goal setting, and stress management techniques. These strategies can help us to stay focused, motivated, and mentally strong during our runs.

Patience is Key

Improving your running speed takes time and patience. It’s important not to push yourself too hard too fast, as this can lead to burnout or injury. Set realistic goals and track your progress over time. Celebrate any improvements, no matter how small they may seem. Remember, consistency and gradual progress will result in long-term success.


In conclusion, the science behind running speed is complex and multifaceted. Our running performance is influenced by several factors, including our genetics, our training, our nutrition, our hydration, and our mental state. To run faster, we need to understand these factors and develop a training plan that targets our specific areas of weakness.

By incorporating strength training exercises, proper nutrition and hydration, breathing techniques and coordination, and mental strategies and motivation, we can improve our overall running performance and achieve our goals. So, if you have ever wondered why you can’t run as fast as you want to, start by implementing some of these techniques into your training routine and see the difference it can make.

FAQ – Why cant I run fast?

1. Can a lack of proper training or technique affect my running speed?

A: Yes, inadequate training or improper running technique can significantly impact your running speed. Following a structured training program and working on your form can help improve your speed over time.

2. How does body composition influence my ability to run fast?

A: Body composition, including muscle mass and body fat percentage, can affect your running speed. A higher muscle-to-fat ratio generally results in better running performance, while excess body fat may slow you down.

3. Do genetics play a role in my running speed?

A: Genetics can indeed influence your running abilities, including factors like muscle fiber composition and lung capacity. While you may not be able to change your genetic makeup, targeted training and conditioning can still help you reach your full potential.

4. Can poor footwear choices hinder my running speed?

A: Wearing improper or ill-fitting shoes can negatively impact your running speed and overall performance. Choose running shoes that provide adequate support, cushioning, and stability to optimize your speed and reduce the risk of injury.

5. How do factors like age and previous injuries affect my ability to run fast?

A: Age can lead to a gradual decline in physical performance, including running speed, due to factors such as reduced muscle mass and flexibility. Additionally, previous injuries might cause lingering issues that limit your speed. Consulting with a healthcare professional or a certified trainer can help you develop a safe and effective training plan to improve your running speed despite these factors.

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