Bing Chat with GPT-4: Microsoft’s new AI chatbot that rivals ChatGPT

Microsoft has recently launched a new feature for its search engine Bing, called Bing Chat. Bing Chat is an AI-powered chatbot that can answer questions, chat with users, and even generate creative content. Bing Chat is powered by GPT-4, the latest and most advanced AI language model developed by OpenAI. Here’s everything you need to know about Bing Chat and how it compares to ChatGPT, the popular chatbot from OpenAI.

What is Bing Chat?

Bing Chat is a new feature that allows users to interact with Bing using natural language. Users can type or speak their queries and get responses from Bing in a conversational manner. Bing Chat can also switch between different modes, such as Search, Answer, Chat, and Create. In Search mode, Bing Chat can help users find relevant information from the web, images, news, and more. In Answer mode, Bing Chat can provide factual answers to questions or perform calculations. In Chat mode, Bing Chat can engage in casual conversations with users and show its personality. In Create mode, Bing Chat can generate original content such as poems, stories, code, essays, songs, and more.

Bing Chat with GPT-4: Microsoft’s new AI chatbot that rivals ChatGPT
Bing Chat with GPT-4: Microsoft’s new AI chatbot that rivals ChatGPT

How to use Bing Chat?

To use Bing Chat, users need to have Microsoft Edge as their web browser. Users can go to and click on the Chat option at the top left corner of the screen. Alternatively, users can also access Bing Chat from the Edge sidebar on the right side of any website. Users can also use voice input by clicking on the microphone icon next to the chat box.

Users can switch between different modes by typing or saying “switch to” followed by the mode name. For example, “switch to chat” or “switch to create”. Users can also ask Bing Chat to suggest a mode by typing or saying “suggest a mode”. Users can end a conversation by typing or saying “bye” or “quit”.

What is GPT-4 and how does it power Bing Chat?

GPT-4 is a generative pre-trained transformer model that uses deep learning to produce natural language texts. It was released by OpenAI on March 14, 2023, as the successor of GPT-3, which was widely regarded as the most powerful language model at the time. GPT-4 has 175 billion parameters, which is more than four times the size of GPT-3. It was trained on a massive corpus of text data from the internet, including books, news articles, social media posts, Wikipedia pages, and more.

GPT-4 can generate coherent and fluent texts on any topic, given some input text or prompt. It can also perform various natural language tasks such as answering questions, summarizing texts, translating languages, writing code, and more. GPT-4 can also analyze images and generate texts based on them.

Microsoft has confirmed that Bing Chat is running on GPT-4, which it has customized for search. This means that Bing Chat can leverage the power of GPT-4 to provide users with accurate and relevant answers and content. Microsoft has also said that it will continue to update Bing Chat with the latest improvements from OpenAI.

How does Bing Chat compare to ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is another AI chatbot that was launched by OpenAI in October 2022. It was powered by GPT-3 until March 2023, when OpenAI upgraded it to GPT-4 for its ChatGPT Plus subscribers. ChatGPT allows users to chat with various personalities and tones, such as friendly, professional, comic, etc. It also has a Playground mode where users can experiment with different settings and prompts.

Bing Chat and ChatGPT are both based on GPT-4, but they have some differences in their features and accessibility. Here are some of the main comparisons:

  • Availability: Bing Chat is available for free to anyone who uses Microsoft Edge as their web browser. Users do not need to sign up for any account or subscription to use it. However, users who are not logged in to their Microsoft account will be limited to five responses per conversation. Users who want longer conversations with up to 30 responses will need to log in to their Microsoft account. On the other hand, ChatGPT is not widely available to new users as OpenAI has restricted its access due to its high demand and cost. Users who want to use ChatGPT will need to join a waitlist and pay a monthly fee for the ChatGPT Plus subscription.
  • Modes: Bing Chat has four modes: Search, Answer, Chat, and Create. Users can switch between these modes depending on their needs and preferences. Each mode has its own features and functionalities that cater to different types of queries and tasks. For example, in Create mode, users can ask Bing Chat to generate poems, stories, code, essays, songs, and more. On the other hand, ChatGPT has only one mode: Chat. Users can chat with ChatGPT using different personalities and tones, but they cannot ask it to perform other tasks such as searching, answering, or creating. ChatGPT also has a Playground mode where users can experiment with different settings and prompts, but this mode is not intended for practical use.
  • Image analysis: Bing Chat can analyze images and generate texts based on them. Users can upload images or provide image URLs and ask Bing Chat to describe, caption, or translate them. Bing Chat can also generate images based on text prompts, such as “a dragon” or “a sunset”. On the other hand, ChatGPT cannot analyze images or generate texts based on them. Users cannot upload images or provide image URLs to ChatGPT. ChatGPT can only generate images based on text prompts, but this feature is still in beta and may not work well.

Bing Chat is a new AI chatbot that runs on GPT-4, the latest and most advanced language model from OpenAI. Bing Chat can provide users with various features and functionalities, such as searching, answering, chatting, and creating. Bing Chat is available for free to anyone who uses Microsoft Edge as their web browser. Bing Chat rivals ChatGPT, another AI chatbot from OpenAI that also runs on GPT-4. However, Bing Chat and ChatGPT have some differences in their features and accessibility. Bing Chat has more modes, can analyze images, and is more widely available than ChatGPT.

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