What Happens When You Unfriend Someone on Snapchat?

When you unfriend someone on Snapchat, there are several consequences you should know about. You will remove them from your Friends list, lose the ability to communicate with them, and they won’t receive a notification. Understanding the effects of unfriending can help you manage your connections wisely on the platform. Let’s explore the details!

Key Takeaways:

  • Removal: When you unfriend someone on Snapchat, they are removed from your Friends list.
  • Loss of Communication: You will no longer be able to send or receive Snaps, Chats, or see Stories from the unfriended user.
  • No Notification: Snapchat does not notify the person when you unfriend them.
  • Re-adding: You can re-add the person as a friend later on, but they will need to accept your friend request again.
  • Group Chats: The unfriended person will be removed from any group chats you were both in.

Consequences of Unfriending on Snapchat

Removal from Friends List

On Snapchat, when you unfriend someone, they will be removed from your Friends list. This means you will no longer see their updates, Stories, or be able to communicate with them via Chats or Snaps. It is a straightforward action that instantly cuts off your connection with the unfriended user.

Loss of Communication

On Snapchat, unfriending someone results in a complete loss of communication with that person. For instance, you will no longer receive or be able to send Snaps, view each other’s Stories, or engage in chats. The unfriended user effectively becomes invisible to you on the platform.

what happens when you unfriend someone on snapchat

Implications of Unfriending on Snapchat

Privacy Settings

With unfriending someone on Snapchat, it’s necessary to note that your privacy settings remain unaffected. This means that if your account is set to public, the person you unfriended may still have the ability to view your public Snaps or Stories. It’s important to reassess your privacy settings if you want to restrict their access further.

No Notification

Implications of unfriending on Snapchat include the fact that Snapchat does not send a notification to the person you unfriended. This means that the person may not immediately realize that they have been removed from your Friends list. It’s important to consider this when choosing to unfriend someone, as they may not be aware of the change unless they actively check their Friends list.

Additional Considerations

Despite unfriending someone on Snapchat, you may find yourself reconsidering the decision at a later time.

Re-adding as Friend

With Snapchat’s feature, you have the option to re-add the person as a friend if you change your mind. However, keep in mind that the unfriended user will need to accept your friend request again. This process allows for a second chance if you decide you want to reconnect with that person on the platform.

Mutual Friends

If you and the unfriended person have mutual friends on Snapchat, they can still see your Snaps and Stories if shared through mutual friends. This means that even though you have removed the person from your Friends list, they may still have access to some of your content based on your shared connections.

This highlights the importance of being mindful of your privacy settings and the content you share on Snapchat, as your posts can still be viewed by individuals you have unfriended through mutual connections. Consider adjusting your privacy settings and being selective about who you share your content with to maintain control over your online interactions.

To wrap up

If you decide to unfriend someone on Snapchat, it’s necessary to understand the consequences that come with this action. By unfriending someone, you remove them from your Friends list, resulting in a loss of communication where you can no longer send or receive Snaps, Chats, or view their Stories. However, keep in mind that unfriending someone will not change your privacy settings, so if your account is set to public, they may still be able to view your public Snaps and Stories.

There is no notification sent to the person when you unfriend them, giving you the freedom to make changes without immediate notice. If you ever have a change of heart, you can always re-add the person as a friend on Snapchat, but they will need to accept your friend request again. Understanding the implications of unfriending someone on Snapchat can help you navigate your connections and interactions on the platform effectively, ensuring a more personalized and controlled social media experience.


Q: What happens when you unfriend someone on Snapchat?

A: When you unfriend someone on Snapchat, they will be removed from your Friends list, and you will lose the ability to communicate with them through Snaps, Chats, or Stories.

Q: Will the person receive a notification when I unfriend them on Snapchat?

A: No, Snapchat does not send a notification to the person you unfriend, so they may not immediately realize that they have been removed from your Friends list.

Q: Can I re-add someone as a friend on Snapchat after unfriending them?

A: Yes, if you change your mind, you can re-add the person as a friend on Snapchat. However, they will need to accept your friend request again.

Q: What happens to group chats when I unfriend someone on Snapchat?

A: If you were part of any group chats with the unfriended person, they will be removed from the group chat, and they will no longer see messages or content shared in that group.

Q: Do privacy settings change when I unfriend someone on Snapchat?

A: Unfriending someone on Snapchat does not affect your privacy settings or their ability to view your public Snaps or Stories if your account is set to public.

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